it. Wanting to write and not being able to find the time or the place for
it. Wanting to write and not being able to find the time or the place for
it. Wanting to write and not being able to find the time or the place for
it. Wanting to write and not being able to find the time or the place
for it. Wanting to write and not being able to find the time or the
place for it. Wanting to write and not being able to find the time or
the place for it. Wanting to write and not being able to find the time
or the place for it. Wanting to write and not being able to find the
time or the place for it. Wanting to write and not being able to find
the time or the place for it.
-Raymond Carver, on "things too tedious to talk about" +
-Raymond Carver, on "things too tedious to talk about" +
Image: Gao Xingjian, ForĂȘt vierge, 2006
Title: Anna Akhmatova, from "Solitude"