These fragments I have shored against my ruins. -T.S. Eliot

These fragments I have shored against my ruins.  -T.S. Eliot

Friday, August 13, 2021

It is not for us to follow the trail of truth too far, since by doing so we entirely loses the directing compass of our mind






"Men go abroad to admire the heights of mountains, the mighty billows of the sea, the broad tides of rivers, the compass of the ocean, and the circuits of the stars, and pass themselves by."

-St. Augustine, from Confessions


Image: Georgia O’Keeffe, Road - Mesa with Mist, 1961

Title: adapted from Herman Melville, Pierre

Sunday, May 9, 2021

All the ladders in the world


Ars Poetica

For a while I climbed the ladder,
not realizing I’d placed it
against the wrong house. The window
I tried to look into was a mirror.
I fell backward into the world.

-Stephen Dunn


Image: Lukas Schnitzer, Vöstung Sadtwar, Hungary 1665

Title: adapted from Richard Garcia, “Ladders”

Sunday, February 2, 2020

The cities are falling asleep, each in its house

(In my sleep I dreamed this poem)
Someone I loved once gave me
a box of darkness.
It took me years to understand
that this, too, was a gift.
-Mary Oliver

Image: Dmitry Anisimov 
Czeslaw Milosz, from The Separate Notebooks